Chimney Sweeping

Utilising the very latest in chimney sweeping technology, together with a powerful specialist industrial vacuum with HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) Filters to remove the dirt, soot & debris from your chimney. The area immediately in front of & around the fire place/stove will be covered & protected to prevent any dirt/dust & debris from entering the room whilst maintaining full respect for your property. During this, a specialist powerful vacuum cleaner with HEPA filters will be on at all times during the chimney sweep catching all of the soot & debris that falls from the chimney/flue. It can take up to approximately 90 minutes from start to finish to sweep the average chimney effectively.

Birds nest removal

All sorts of birds like to sit and nest in chimneys. I will safely remove birds nest and all debris from your chimney and provide a full sweep leaving your chimney clean and safe.

Cages, Caps & Cowls

These are items placed on chimneys to protect against rain, prevent birds nesting, guard against blockages causing carbon monoxide problems or to safeguard disused chimneys from birds and/or pests.

Wedding Services

Waits outside church dressed as traditional (Mary Poppins type sweep in neckerchief and with rods) ready to great newly weds with hand shake for groom And lucky kiss for bride. Provides them with certificate with name and date for happy couple and little bag of treats. Will stay for a while for photos with guests and happy couple and to explain the tradition of the lucky sweep.

Images Coming Soon